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Truth About Pet Vaccines You Won’t Hear from Your Vet


Truth About Pet Vaccines You Won’t Hear from Your Vet

帖子admin » 周二 3月 21, 2017 11:28 pm

http://www.thehealthyhomeeconomist.com/ ... -your-vet/
Domestic dogs and cats today are suffering from an unprecedented and very disturbing epidemic of chronic degenerative disease much of it caused by the very pet vaccines that are supposed to preserve their health.
These animals are routinely presenting with a variety of symptoms and diagnoses that are eerily similar to those being experienced by their owners.
One of the major factors adversely affecting the health of our pets has to do with the quality (or rather lack thereof) of the pet food we feed them.
Besides poor quality food that is not in keeping with the natural diet our furry friends require, chronic and very serious health issues are also emerging due to the shocking overuse of pet vaccines.
The umbrella term for health damage caused by vaccines is vaccinosis.
Many people today, along with a precious few forward thinking veterinarians, are realizing that the excessive numbers of vaccines routinely given to domestic pets are wreaking havoc on these animals’ health. This is because vaccines have the ability to disrupt, dis-regulate, and in some cases even virtually destroy an animal’s natural, innate immune function.
Without a properly functioning immune system, an animal is much more vulnerable than it would be otherwise to a wide variety of health problems.
Adverse Reactions to Pet Vaccines
From rashes and behavioral issues, to seizures and even vaccine injection site tumors, the list of adverse vaccine related health complications is long and varied. However, because many people don’t make the connection between the administration of a shot and subsequent symptoms, and because the veterinary industry at large often does not acknowledge such a connection, adverse vaccine reactions often go unreported.
For these reasons and because many people have been erroneously conditioned to believe that vaccines are completely safe and effective, there’s a serious lack of understanding about the issue of vaccine damage among the general population.
There needs to be more awareness about this problem and people need to know that besides acute conditions, the damage caused by vaccines can also be implicated in longer term, chronic ailments.
Some of the more progressive vets who are at the forefront of researching vaccine damage, including Dr. Patricia Jordan, author of the book Vaccinosis: Hidden in Plain Sight, are discovering evidence that vaccines actually cause damage at a genetic level.
If true, this means that vaccine damage not only occurs to those pets that are vaccinated, but that such damage occurs to their DNA, which is then passed onto their offspring and so on down the line, potentially conveying inherited vaccinosis to many more individuals in future generations.
Pet Vaccines a Toxic Chemical Cocktail
One of the reasons why vaccines can cause damage to our pets is because of the toxic ingredients they often contain. Among these are:
Thimerosal — Thimerisol is an organic compound often found in pet vaccines and used as a preservative that contains mercury, which is an extremely toxic heavy metal.Mercury is a powerful neurotoxin and is one of the most potent poisons known to man. Mercury has been shown to impair the function of many internal systems including the brain, central nervous system, endocrine system, kidneys, and other organs.
Aluminum — Aluminum is another metal used in vaccines that has been implicated in neurological ailments in humans. Aluminum is added to vaccines as an adjuvant, which means its purpose is to enhance or boost the effectiveness of those shots containing killed viruses.
Formaldehyde — Formaldehyde is classified by the EPA as a probable carcinogen, and is used as a tissue fixative in some vaccines.
Phenol — Phenols are highly poisonous, caustic substances derived from coal tar which are used as preservatives in vaccines.
Viruses — Viruses are microscopic infectious agents containing genetic material which can only replicate within the tissues of living organisms.
Animal organ tissue — Cell tissue derived from all manner of animals, including monkeys, rabbits, cows, sheep and pigs, are used to culture viruses contained in vaccines.
Huge or Tiny Pet — Same Dosage
Many pet owners would be surprised to learn that the dosage contained in one vaccine is the same regardless of the size or weight of the pet. This means that a 5 lb Chihuahua is given the exact same dosage as a 100 lb German Shepherd.
Insanity of Yearly “Boosters” for Pet Vaccines
Despite the fact that most all specific vaccines designed for people are generally only administered
once rather than repeatedly year after year, it has become common practice in the veterinary industry to vaccinate pets with the same vaccine over and over again – often on a yearly basis – in the form of what are called booster shots.
Because each individual vaccine triggers a firestorm of activity within the immune system, vaccinating pets repeatedly like this over time can end up eroding the animal’s immune function.
It’s important to understand that routine vaccinations are a source of considerable financial revenue for both veterinarians and pharmaceutical companies. However vaccinating our pets repeatedly year after year is, in my opinion, most definitely not in the best interest of the animals.
Bypassing the Body’s Natural Immunity
Our pets’ bodies are equipped with a very sophisticated array of innate immunological mechanisms that are specifically designed to defend against pathogenic exposure.rgans such as the skin, nose, respiratory system, mouth, and digestive tract are all common pathways through which potentially harmful microbes must pass before they have the opportunity to become infectious. These organ systems work in concert to identify incoming pathogenic threats and either neutralize and/or create effective defenses against them.
However, most all pet vaccines administered by vets are done so via subcutaneous injection. This means that such shots deliver viruses, which are pathogenic materials, along with other toxins directly through the skin into the body’s underlying tissues, unnaturally forcing these substances to bypass some of the body’s most important and effective natural defense systems.
This circumvention and short circuiting of the immune system can trigger chronic autoimmune disorders, including the kind of ongoing inflammatory response present in conditions such as IBD (inflammatory bowel disease), arthritis, skin rashes and others.
Make an Informed Decision on Your Pet’s Behalf
More and more evidence is coming to light these days showing that pet vaccines are a scientific fraud and that they’re little more than a huge money making scam because they are neither safe nor effective.
Due to such evidence, I can’t urge people strongly enough to do their own research in order make an educated decision before choosing to have their pets automatically jabbed simply as a matter of course.
Additional Resources
http://www.animaltalknaturally.com/past-programs/ (scroll down page slightly)
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