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My Little Pet for iPad

including pets and non-pets

My Little Pet for iPad

帖子admin » 周四 5月 31, 2012 11:02 pm


Special pets designed for kids! Touch or poke the little pets to see their response, enjoy the fun and cultivate kindness in kids. Assemble all types of pets with more than 100 items to encourage imagination in kids. Make different pet characters and inspire creativity in kids. You can also click action button to feed them cake, make them play balloon, etc.

★Touch or poke the little pet to see their response
★Click the action buttons or drag them on the pet to watch their funny performance
★Assemble your unique pet with more than 100 items
★Change color for pet and make different characters
★Rotate the planet to change a new pet
★Weather icon changes according local weather
★Dice for a random pet: young kids can enjoy the fun of changing different pet characters without dressing up by themselves
★Snap photos of pet and save to album
  • 0

think unique,be special
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