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帖子admin » 周日 8月 02, 2015 11:44 am

https://itunes.apple.com/hk/app/konkree ... 18467?mt=8

PERFORMER uses a shape that is a visual representation of the sound, which you can sculpt using multitouch and gestures, giving a completely new and dynamic method of musical expression.

- It does not generate sounds by itself. It is a controller!
- You can control music hardware and software via:
- MIDI or OSC over WLAN
- MIDI over cable (using Apple Camera Connection Kit)
- Virtual MIDI to other iPad apps

Features include:

- Multiple visualisation options: From simple connections to orbital rings to star fields
- Ribbon controller: Supporting multiple touches
- Multiple snapshots: Save the shape of your music for instant recall during performance
- Multiple banks: Allows rapid switching of visuals and behaviour without leaving the performance screen
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think unique,be special
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