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Candy Crush Hack

帖子发表于 : 周五 8月 02, 2013 5:06 pm
(require a jail break iphone)

1. download a iFile by using Cydia

2. open iFile and find the folder of CandyCrush

3. open "/res/common/" folder

4. to get infinite lifes

find "tweakdata.prop", open with text, find "lives.base.max ***", change *** to 999 then your max.life is 999, find "lives.gain.interval ***, change *** to 0. find "lives.gift.interval.hours ***", change *** to 0. Then you will get 999 lifes forever.

5. to avoid asking 3 tickets from your friends

find "collaboration_locks.xml", open it by text and it shows "<lock lockLevel="**">. For example, The first time requiring tickets is the LVL 36. Assume you have finished lvl 36(and you must finish lvl36), and it shows "<lock lockLevel="36">, change 36 to something big such as 888. Then, when you go back to the game, you will directly jump to lvl 37. Do the samething for the rest of lockedlevel. (you must pass that level which the next level requires a ticket!!!)