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Sheltering Animals & Families Together shelters


Sheltering Animals & Families Together shelters

帖子admin » 周六 2月 13, 2016 5:14 pm

http://alliephillips.com/saf-tprogram/? ... 3359375000

Sheltering Animals & Families Together (SAF-T)™ is the first and only global initiative guiding domestic violence shelters on how to house families together with their pets. SAF-T enables more domestic violence victims to leave abusive households without leaving their pets behind and at risk. SAF-Talso recognizes the human-animal bond and that family pets can provide comfort, reassurance and healing to adult and child survivors.

SAF-T was created in recognition that families who are abused often have pets and do not wish to be separated from them when fleeing their abusive environment. The SAF-T Start-Up Manual sets forth three housing styles and answers questions about how to safely house pets on-site at a domestic violence shelter. SAF-T saves lives!
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