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Alley Cat Allies


Alley Cat Allies

帖子admin » 周六 7月 26, 2014 5:08 pm


About Us
Alley Cat Allies is the only national advocacy organization dedicated to the protection and humane treatment of cats. An engine for social change, Alley Cat Allies was the first organization to introduce and advocate for humane methods of feral cat care, particularly Trap-Neuter-Return, in the American animal protection community. By establishing and promoting standards of care, our organization has brought humane treatment of cats into the national spotlight, now embraced by major cities and animal protection organizations coast to coast. In 20 short years, we’ve changed America to better understand and respect the lives of cats.

Today, more than 500,000 supporters look to Alley Cat Allies for leadership in the movement to protect cats’ lives. We promote progressive policies for cats in communities all over America and we work towards a world that values the lives of all animals. Our two decades of experience in grassroots organizing, hands-on activism, and education has empowered policymakers, veterinarians, nonprofit and volunteer groups, activists, and caregivers nationwide with the tools and knowledge to practice, teach, and advocate for humane care for cats in their own communities. From a headquarters in Bethesda, Maryland, Alley Cat Allies’ staff of more than 40 people provides the national voice for cats and the millions of Americans who value cats’ lives.

A society in which people value and safeguard the lives of animals.

To transform and develop communities to protect and improve the lives of cats.

We value the intrinsic dignity and worth of each cat and acknowledge their history and place in the natural landscape.
We value the relationship between people, the earth, and all animals and acknowledge that the inherent interests of all sentient beings must be given equal consideration.
We value people and their compassion for cats.
We value actions that advance cats’ best interests.
We value teamwork as a means to achieve common goals.
We value learning as a means to guide our work to protect and improve the lives of cats.
We value our right as Americans to organize and speak freely.
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