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AKC Pet Disaster Relief


AKC Pet Disaster Relief

帖子admin » 周五 7月 18, 2014 7:20 pm


AKC Pet Disaster Relief helps local Emergency Management provide temporary animal care services immediately following a disaster… the critical time before FEMA support and services can be deployed.
Deployment of these trailers will help put an end to post-disaster tragedies that have historically affected pet owners, by putting themselves in harm’s way to save a beloved pet, or even losing a family pet during a disaster.

Through the AKC Reunite Canine Support and Relief Fund, tax deductible donations from AKC Clubs, private organizations and pet lovers make AKC Pet Disaster Relief a reality. The program’s genesis was in response to the devastation after Hurricane Katrina in 2006 where many people stayed in harm’s way because emergency response plans did not accommodate pets. The AKC Pet Disaster Relief fleet we intend to donate across the country will enable readiness for our local Emergency Management organizations as they plan, prepare and respond to disasters that impact people and their pets.
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