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Year of 52 Rescues - Elizabeth Ellis Fine Art and Portraits


Year of 52 Rescues - Elizabeth Ellis Fine Art and Portraits

帖子admin » 周日 7月 19, 2015 5:17 pm

http://www.elizabethellisart.com/year-o ... scues.html
For the entire year of 2015, beginning in January, artist Elizabeth Ellis will paint an 8x10” watercolor portrait of one adoptable animal currently in a shelter every week. In January of 2016, there will be an exhibition of all 52 paintings at the Dreaming Tree Galleries in Grove City, Ohio. After the exhibition, all original paintings will be mailed, free of charge, to the shelter who still has the animal, or the family who has adopted the animal.

Elizabeth is currently seeking photos from no-kill shelters of adoptable animals to paint (contact form at bottom of this page). She needs a picture, specific information about the animal (name, age, background, suspected breeds, etc.), and the mailing address and phone number for the shelter. She doesn’t just want the cute ones! She also wants the three-legged, one-eyed, still loveable ones! And not just cats and dogs; horses, parrots, llamas, she wants to paint one of everything!

She is also seeking donations of your unwanted: Watercolor paper, 11x14” mats with 8x10” openings, 11x14” picture frames, 11x14” or larger padded mailing envelopes, and pillow cases (to keep from banging the frames together.) Donations can be mailed to:

Elizabeth Ellis
P.O. Box 111
Sugar Grove, Ohio 43155
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think unique,be special
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