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Miss Babe Ruth, the bat dog


Miss Babe Ruth, the bat dog

帖子admin » 周日 10月 25, 2015 6:06 pm

http://m.mlb.com/cutfour/2015/08/30/146 ... th-retires

Miss Babe Ruth, the bat dog for the Greensboro Grasshoppers (a Marlins Class A affiliate), has been in the baseball business a long, long time. She started ferrying game balls to umpires and retrieving bats when she was just 10 months old. When she retires at the end of this season, she will have appeared in 649 consecutive games from 2006-15.
Nine seasons might seem short for a baseball career, but in dog years, she's been a member of the team for almost half a century. Only Vin Scully's got her beat when it comes to longevity in the game. But she wins when it comes to promotional items with her face on them:
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