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Boo the dog


Boo the dog

帖子admin » 周三 3月 19, 2014 5:32 pm


Boo, described as "The World's Cutest Dog,"[citation needed] though not being an official title, is a Pomeranian that became an Internet sensation. Known for his short haircut, he has a popular Facebook page and is the subject of two photo books.[1] As of January 2014, Boo has over 10 million Likes on Facebook.


Boo belongs to a San Francisco based Facebook executive who created a Facebook page for the dog with a statement "My name is Boo. I am a dog. Life is good." He became popular in October 2010 after singer Ke$ha sent a tweet that she had a new boyfriend, linking to the page, and Khloé Kardashian called him the "cutest dog on the planet".[1][2]

Chronicle Books, noticing that Boo had 5 million Facebook fans at the time, approached the owner to write a picture book, Boo: The Adventures of the Cutest Dog in the World. Written by his owner under pen name J.H. Lee, the book was eventually published in ten languages. A second book followed, Boo: Little Dog in the Big City, as well as a calendar and plans for a cut-out book and additional children's books.[1] His merchandise includes a Gund stuffed animal.

Boo was appointed a "spokesdog" for Virgin America airline, which featured photos of him in an airplane along with advice for people traveling with pets.[1] Boo was the subject of a death hoax in April 2012. [3] In July 2012, Boo was named the Official Pet Liaison of Virgin America.[4]

Mike Isaac of All Things Digital outed Boo's owner as a Facebook employee in August 2012.
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