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LIL BUB the cat


LIL BUB the cat

帖子admin » 周四 4月 11, 2013 7:21 pm

Lil Bub is a "perma-kitten," meaning she will always have kitten-like features no matter how old she gets. She is also a dwarf, meaning her limbs are disproportionately small relative to the rest of her body.

She has very short, stubby legs and a weird, long, serpent-like body. Her lower jaw is very short compared to her upper jaw, and her teeth never grew in (yes, that's right, she's toothless!), which is why her tongue is usually hanging out.
Bub, the runt of her litter who was not bred to look the way she does, has an extra toe on each of her feet and 22 claws in all.

Despite having no teeth, her Facebook page assures us that she can eat dry and wet food without any problems.
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think unique,be special
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Re: LIL BUB the cat

帖子admin » 周五 12月 06, 2019 5:41 pm

https://moderncat.com/articles/lil-bub- ... n-has-died

Lil BUB, the internet famous cat with her adorable sticking out tongue that stole the hearts of millions, has died. She passed away 1/12/2019, peacefully in her sleep, at the age of eight.
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think unique,be special
Site Admin
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帖子: 3400
注册: 周六 5月 22, 2010 7:54 pm
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