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Postby admin » Fri Nov 06, 2015 4:23 pm

http://www.wayofcats.com/blog/meet-the- ... thair/3425

British and American Shorthair

The two breeds of Shorthair parted ways with the founding of British colonies in North America, though their foundation is the same; cats the Romans brought to the British Isles during their rule there.

The British Shorthair is the smaller, more compact of the two. The “Blue” color (actually a silvery gray) is so popular it has its own designation, the “British Blue.”

Fans will know what kept this cat so popular over the centuries; their personality. Mellow, unflappable, clever, and devoted, the Shorthair breeds not only influence many of our mixes today, they have embedded themselves in the public consciousness as embodiments of the wise and dignified cat psyche.

American ShorthairBest of Breed GC, BW, NW KAROL KOMMANDER, Silver Tabby American Shorthair Male
Photo: ©

The rounded eyes and broad forehead give them their distinctive look. While they resemble stuffed animals, they prefer a lot of head-to-head contact and gentle petting over extravagant scoops into our arms. Dignity, don’t you know.

The downside of this ubiquitousness is that many people don’t realize that they are a distinct breed. So many of their mixed offspring carry the big round head and thick plushy coat that a number of households hold a bit of Shorthair but don’t know it. Shorthairs are the opposite of flashy, so perhaps that suits them just fine.

Once we experience the “Shorthair personality” though, that’s different. That laidback calm can quickly turn to play, though they usually bring some gravity to everything they do. They are whimsical without being goofballs.

One of their most endearing traits is how they are not necessarily a lap cat, yet they will follow us from room to room and set up observation posts where we are. Shorthairs are always “there” but rarely “on.” They love attention but do not demand the spotlight.

Shorthairs are the vodka of the cat world. They are low key and mix with anything. Kids, dogs, or an operatic career; these are the kinds of things Shorthairs take in stride. Quick to give the benefit of the doubt to other living things, Shorthairs have the complete Beta package. Everyone is a friend they haven’t met yet.

While they are adept at being part of every background, Shorthairs do not fade into any of them. They will spend all day coming up with a new blitz strategy on a toy mouse, but will not insist that we see it as soon as we come home. They would rather have it seemingly come out of nowhere during a play session. Saying, “That one is ready for the major leagues!” will satisfy the Shorthair that we appreciate them properly.

Because beneath that solid exterior is a great big muffiny heart. Happy to be with us at all times, Shorthairs should never be taken for granted. Every time that big head drifts near our hand, we should give them a good rub and tell them that they are marvelous. They don’t ask for much more than that.

Because they were early ship and farm cats, Shorthair genes can appear in any random cat population, and they come in a great many colors. If we have a rounded, plushy cat who takes life as it comes and is ever in the corner of our eye, we are experiencing the Shorthair magic.

In a cat civilization, they are our cornerstone. They are the cats we try to describe to our friends, and can only convey our delight by exclaiming that they are just wonderful, that’s all. It’s not anything in particular that they do; it’s how they do it.

In shelters, look for the big head and short neck, a short coat so densely packed we want to sink our fingers in it, and a calm entreaty in their expression. Shorthairs tend to sit near the front of their cages and stubbornly hope someone will notice them. If we do, we might hear their little soft voice or get a lifted paw.

They fit in anywhere.
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Re: 多重國籍的貓貓品種

Postby admin » Sat Nov 21, 2015 5:24 pm


American Burmese

European Burmese

The Burmese investigation «Let's make it clear!» is addressed to the future cats owners of the unique Burmese breed, that is to you, dear reader. In this article we will tell about the basic distinctions between European and American Burmese on concrete examples.

We have tried to state all information short, in intelligible and clear form, with explanations and photos, having avoided professional complexities whenever possible. We hope that this article will be useful for you. Anyway, it will help to save a lot of time on searching the information in Internet, and having read this material you will get clear ideas about the distinctions between European and American Burmese.

The name of our favourite breed – BURMESE is only the general name which includes 2 separate breeds: BURMESE ("American") and EUROPEAN BURMESE. And the European and American representatives are extraordinary beautiful and have the well-known Burmese temperament, bewitching sight and the grace of a panther ….but, all the same, these are two different breeds!

One of the distinctions consists in quantity of COLORS, registered in standards of European and American Burmese.

The American standard

The American standard provides four possible colors: sable (correspond brown), blue, champagne (corresponds chocolate) and platinum (corresponds lilac).

The European standard

Now there are ten colors of Burmese cats recognized in Europe: the brown, blue, chocolate, lilac, red, cream, brown tortoise, blue tortoise, chocolate tortoise and lilac tortoise.

The American Burmese has big eyes, with roundish form, wide set, slightly surprised. These eyes give the American Burmese such a touching, childish expression of a muzzle))

The European Burmese has big and wide set eyes too, but the top line of the eye is straight, with an easy decline to a nose, with oriental manner, the bottom line of an eye rounded off. A severe look frowningly – a highlight of the European Burmese!

American Burmese has ears of the average size, wide at the basis, rounded off on the ends, rather wide set, but in comparison with European, as a rule, they are of smaller size, located closer to each other and more vertically.

European Burmese has ears low set, of average size, in a profile they are slightly inclined forward. Holding of ears is wide enough, i.e. the distance between ears is much more, than at American Burmese, breeders call them "branchy". The external line of ears continues the cheeks line.

The muzzle of the American Burmese has the roundish form, with roundish outlines of all parts and absence of flat surfaces, it is shorter and wider, than the European one, cheeks full.

The muzzle of the European Burmese has the form of a short obtuse wedge, with slightly roundish top part between ears, wide cheekbones and jaws, a strong chin. As a whole, expression of their muzzle is orientally mysterious.

American Burmese differs by the compact and heavy build, the developed muscles. Its feet don't look thin, and pads have the round form.

European Burmese - a cat of average size, elegant by sight, with the refined lines, compact, but a little easier skeleton. Feet are of average length, rather thin, pads are graceful, oval.

As you already know, Burmese breed divides on AMERICAN and EUROPEAN BURMESE.

In turn American Burmese has 2 various lines inside the breed: TRADITIONAL and Contemporary. And despite that traditional and Contemporary Burmese are exposed under one standard, the distinctions between them are considerable.

Contemporary American Burmese has more dolly expression of a muzzle. Stop (visible transition from a forehead to a nose) is even more expressed, and the muzzle is even shorter and wider in comparison with the others. Eyes are more convex, seem even larger. It is the most extreme type of breed. And the most important thing is that these 2 types bear absolutely different lines, almost being never crossed among themselves.

So, there are Burmese of the MIXED TYPE (mixes). Outwardly they can be similar to American or European Burmese, but they have intermediate type more often as there are the representatives of both breeds in their family tree. In given article we won't describe the difference of the mixed type from European and American as by phenotype (appearance) the Burmese of the mixed type can resemble both the European and American Burmese.

Thus, comparing European and American Burmese, we have designated some obvious differences:

6. Quantity of COLORS
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