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Cat Skin Allergy Types


Cat Skin Allergy Types

Postby admin » Wed Jun 10, 2015 3:31 pm

http://www.vetinfo.com/guide-cat-skin-a ... types.html

A cat skin allergy, seasonal or chronic, can be frustrating for the pet and his owner alike.
Symptoms of Cat Skin Allergy
Classic signs cats are suffering from skin allergies include itching, chewing on parts of the body (particularly the tail or legs), wounds caused by the chewing and hot spots. You may also notice red bumps or hives on a cat affected by allergies.
Flea Allergy Dermatitis
Cats can be allergic to fleas. This can cause a lot of extra itchiness. Fleas leave saliva on the cat after biting it. The bite of a flea is nothing compared to the saliva it leaves behind, if your cat is allergic to these pests.
Keeping a cat well groomed and flea-free will help him avoid flea allergy dermatitis.
Inhalant Allergies
Pollen can cause problems for a cat. Unlike a human, a cat will not usually sneeze, have watery eyes or congestion if suffering from an inhalant allergy. Instead, a cat will begin to get itchy.
Other items that can cause inhalant allergies include mold spores, dander, dust, mildew and dust mites. Fortunately, inhalant allergies are typically only seasonal.
Inhalant allergies can be kept at bay by keeping him indoors during allergy season. Regularly dusting and cleaning your home can also help reduce allergy symptoms.
Contact Allergies
A contact allergy happens when a cat is allergic to something that touches his skin. Some flea collars have been known to cause contact allergies. Feathers, detergents, perfumed products, ragweed and pet beds with wool have also been known to cause contact allergies.
A cat will often acquire the allergen through the pads of his paws. Keeping the items that cause sensitivities to a cat away from him can help prevent unnecessary discomfort.
Food Allergies
Cats are sensitive to many types of food. Dairy products often cause an allergic reaction, since cats can have a high intolerance to this type of food. Other foods that can give cats problems are corn, soy, preservatives or artificial ingredients, and some types of dog food.
Diagnosing Cat Allergies
When a cat allergy is suspected, a veterinarian will perform several tests. The purpose of the tests is to rule out the possibility of underlying causes of the symptoms.
Tests can include taking a sample of the cat's skin by scraping, injecting the skin or collecting samples of any skin that is inflamed. Blood tests can be done to see the allergy levels in a cat. An elimination diet may also be prescribed to see if there is a food the cat is sensitive to. During an elimination diet, he'll eat special hypoallergenic food for a few weeks. Suspected foods are then introduced back into his diet, one at a time, until the food causing the allergic reaction is found.
Talk to your vet if you suspect your cat is suffering from allergies. After making a diagnosis, a treatment plan can be developed to help a cat feel more comfortable.
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